Spring Clean Your Wellness Routine: Part 2!
Now that you’ve reflected on the questions from last week’s blog….let’s begin to action your new goals!
Let’s Spring Clean your Wellness Routine!
Health, wellness and fitness wasn’t quite as you wanted this Winter? Let’s Spring Clean your Wellness Routine!
Behaviour Change is BOTH Easy AND Hard…….
If you are wondering how to get more active, it comes down to how to change your behaviour. Behaviour change is BOTH easy AND hard. Are you maximizing the ‘easy’?
Have You Planned for Failure?
Relapse is a normal and expected part of changing our habits and routines, BUT we’ve built so much shame around falling off track, that we do not even want to consider planning for this natural process.
What’s THE Best Exercise?
What is the best exercise? What should I do? What exercise is best? Should I weight train or do cardio?
All great questions. Here is my answer.
But HOW Do I REALLY ‘Find my Fit’?
“Find my Fit” sounds good, but HOW do I actually find the right fitness program for me and my family?
How to “Just Get Started”
Getting started is often the hardest part of goal achievement and behaviour change. Today’s article gives you a “recipe” for success!
Not Sure How to Start Exercising?
Not sure how to get your fitness started, or started again?
Does 2024 NEED “a Word”?
Should I choose a word of the year? How do I choose a word of the year?
How to work out during the holidays
Are you wondering how to work out during the holidays? Or how to stay active this Christmas?
Are You Also Managing Your Energy?
How to better manage my time? How to better manage my energy? Common questions, and it’s actually a combo of these two questions that can help find the best answer.
Feeling (the Effects of) SAD?
Feeling the effects of SAD? Me too. Sharing a few thoughts for you
Take a Bite of Your Workout
So, for busy or difficult times, I invite you to re-frame your thinking about your movement/fitness activities. Instead of “either-or” thinking (e.g. I either have to spend an hour or two on my fitness OR I won’t do anything at all), shift your thinking to “fitness bites”. That is, smaller bite-sized chunks of movement to keep you moving during busy times.
What Do You Need?
“What have you done in the past to support yourself during really difficult times? Although we may be facing things we’ve never faced before, success leaves clues, so if you have a tool that has worked before, start there. I imagine you may not have the capacity to search out new options at the moment, so begin with what you know.”