Fresh Fridays, January 14th: AND…..ACTION!
Yes, that's right, today's Fresh Friday idea is about taking action.
More specifically, why people don't take action on the things they know are important, or the changes they know they want to make.
Has this happened to you? You've learned a new skill, you want to change careers, you want to launch a new section of your business, but you're not taking action?
Try this:
STEP 1: Ask yourself, out loud, "why aren't I acting on this?". "What is stopping me from taking action?" "What is holding me back?" (you'll likely get a "surface" answer. With that answer, ask these questions again, and insert the word REALLY: "What is REALLY stopping me from taking action?")
STEP 2: Although your answer might not be one of the following, these are the ones I hear OFTEN!:
ANSWER 1: "I don't know how to (grow my business, start a workout program etc)." POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Ask someone who has done it already!
ANSWER 2: "I am afraid (of failing, being judged, stepping outside of the 'lane' that I currently live in)." POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Acknowledge your fear. And, ask yourself if you will be happy being in the same spot you are now, in 5-10 years from now. No? Make your "why" bigger than your fear.
ANSWER 3: "This change feels too big" POSSIBLE SOLUTION: break things down into bite-sized steps. Not sure how to change careers? Well, before you start sending out resumes, you'll need to do some research on what job you would like to pursue, right? Start there.
You, those you serve, and dare I say, the world are missing out on the best of you if you're not taking action on what you REALLY want!
Coaching can help move you through the "stuckness" of the above examples. I know it's helped me!
Reach out if I can be of service!
Get after it friend, you deserve to live your best life!