Fresh Fridays, January 21st: ALL THINGS WELLNESS!

Today's Fresh Friday tip is about TOTAL wellness, and how to improve each area.

1) Define what wellness means to you, in each of the following areas (the "common" definitions are noted, in case you need a prompt!):

Physical Wellness includes our overall physical health, including fitness, nutrition, illness etc..

Spiritual Wellness can be defined as living in alignment with one's beliefs and values, finding a purpose in one's life, finding meaning in life's events as well as being connected to something greater than yourself.

Relationship Wellness is a measure of all of one’s relationships, including romantic, friends, family etc.

Emotional Wellness refers to one’s overall emotional well-being and mental health.

Professional Wellness includes one’s overall professional status and feelings and expectations about this.

Financial Wellness is a measure of overall financial status and stability and the client’s feelings and expectations here as well

2) Identify the area in which you score yourself the lowest (and remember, this is your scoring, NOT according to anyone else's expectations, etc.)

3) Create ONE goal AND strategy as to how you will prioritize that area of wellness for the next three weeks. (I've put a few ideas below, in case you're stuck :) )

Physical Wellness Set a movement goal of 10 mins per day, more than you're doing right now. And it doesn't have to be formal, or perfect. Just move!

Spiritual Wellness Is there a cause in your community that pulls at your heartstrings? Can you support that cause these next few weeks? Maybe a donation of your time, or a financial donation? If those aren't in your time/financial budget, what about sharing their profile through your social media pages to help raise awareness?

Relationship Wellness are you prioritizing your relationships as you'd like? No? Set a goal to reach out to one friend a week and ask how they're doing.

Emotional Wellness How are you doing emotionally? Are you feeling fairly even-keel these days? If not are you giving yourself enough rest and restoration time?

Professional Wellness Are you satisfied with where you are professionally? If not, what are you ready to do about it? Update your resume is maybe a less scary spot to start? Or, are you ready to start searching?

Financial Wellness - review your expenses. Anything that can be eliminated? And where can you put that money instead?

4) Please let me know how it goes!

Keep being awesome!


Fresh Idea Friday, Jan 28th Edition-The Importance of Asking for Help


Fresh Fridays, January 14th: AND…..ACTION!