Want a better work-life blend? Bring out your inner athlete!

This idea actually works for anyone who has moved through really hectic times. And, I think that's all of us, right?!

One of the biggest mistakes I see my clients (and myself in the past!) make, when trying to improve their work-life or business-life blend, is trying to make a calm, streamlined, consistent schedule that works for every day, week, month and year.

Did you just say, "huh"? Isn't that what we are after is that consistency? Yes, and the reality is, often life doesn't allow us that, does it?

So yes, step 1, set up a schedule that helps you be organized and consistent, AND THEN, look at the hectic times.

For example, if you are an accountant, I imagine your schedule around tax time is bonkers, and not something that you'd wish to carry on, or be able to carry on, on a regular basis, right?

Or, if you've created a great family schedule that covers meal planning and prep in a way that is working, AND you are then having your home renovated, there is likely to be disruption.

Here is where the athlete idea comes in:

-an athlete periodizes her training to be variable according to what season she's in, or what event she's building towards. There are high volume times, peak times, recovery times all built-in and moved through naturally.

BUT, when we look at work and life, somehow we expect to be in the high volume of "training" all the time with little or no consequence. No one can sustain this high-volume idea all the time. Not an athlete, nor an accountant.

So, when creating your time management plans, be aware of high volume times that occur for your work or business or life, and be sure to plan rest and recovery time after.

Does any of that resonate?

I'd love to hear what you think: deanna@deannalangfordcoaching.com



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