The Myth of Work-Life Balance

Recently, I’d shared this idea with my wellness community via my subscription list, and I received so many messages from folks, sharing their work-life BLEND struggles, I thought it would be helpful to share this more widely. If it is useful, you can subscribe here to receive work-life wellness tips on Wellness Wednesdays and health and fitness tips on Fitness Fridays. I’ve spent 25 years helping people improve their wellness. I’d love to be able to share with you regularly too.

So, let’s dive into this myth of “work-life balance”.

The application of "balance" to the areas of work and life, can be very problematic, depending on how you define balance.

One definition, "a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions", moves in the right direction, with the inclusion of the second part "in the correct proportions".

I see problems arise here when only the first half, "a condition in which different elements are equal", is applied.

Work and life are not equal. Not in time or energy allotted to each, AND not in the way I would choose to mix work and life, nor the way you would mix your work and life. We all decide on the "correct proportions" for our own situation.

My top coaching tips for people looking to improve their work-life BLEND:

1. Move away from the idea of “perfectly balanced”. Perfect doesn’t exist and the idea of balance is too fragile. You’re stronger than being knocked off-kilter by a little addition. Move TOWARDS the idea of a blend. That is, how these two areas of work and life are mixed together and allow you to shift between the two as needed, giving each the proportions needed on the day.

2. Be clear on your priorities for work and for life. I cannot stress this enough. People are busy, running here and there, without clear direction. You must have a roadmap, or else how do you know where to go?

3. Set boundaries in your work and life that allow you to keep the above priorities, well, a priority. (without boundaries you are pulled in directions that do not support what you are after). This is a must.

4. Plan your "life" spaces in your calendar first. We usually allow work to fill our calendars and then life becomes the afterthought, right? What is your "life" top priority? Your family? Your fitness? Your dog? Whichever it is, put it in your calendar first, and then fill in the work items.

5. Identify where you need help. Ask for it. Accept it.

How about you? What are your work-life blend tips?

I'd love to hear them!

And don't forget, you can always book a free call to dive in a little further!



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