The New Year’s Resolution Effect

As we head in to the last 6 weeks of this year, the vibe that I am getting from many people when discussing goals and health and wellness, is that its “too late to make any changes or set any intentions now.  I will just wait until January 1st”

I am truly not a fan of new year’s resolutions.  I really believe anything worth doing is worth doing now.  And, if you really wanted to do it, you’d find a way.  If you actually don’t want to do it, you’ll instead find an excuse.  You may think its harsh, and I recognize that, but it’s the truth. 

When you are really pumped about something-going on a vacation, buying a new pair of running shoes, or whatever does it for you, you find a way. 

To elaborate, let’s use this goal example: “I want to work out 3 times a week”.  A well-intentioned idea, with a bit of measurability, (that is, “3 times per week”), but there’s nothing else behind it. (Notice “I want to”, not “I am going to”).

And no, that’s not true, there is something behind this statement-likely it is a bunch of “shoulds” and “my doctor told me tos”.  And when a goal begins on someone else’s terms, it is destined to fail.  A goal must mean something to the person setting the intention.

And back to my dislike of January 1st (the resolution idea of January 1st, not the actual day itself).  Consider this: if you know that you need to make some healthier decisions related to your nutrition or exercise, by setting a start date of January 1st, are you really just giving yourself permission to let loose for the next 6 weeks and therefore you’ll be starting January 1st further away from achieving your goal than you are right now?

Here are some action items to consider (for this week, not in January):

1) Write down, just free flow, all the things that you want to work on, your areas for growth.  And note that I am not implying that there is anything wrong with you right now!  A human component of wellness is to continue to grow and learn, so I wish to support you in growing in whatever way you want to!

2) For each of these items, jot down why you want to achieve them.  And, do me (well, do yourself) a favour……ask yourself why again.  And then a third time. Why? Any different answers arising as you dig in a little further?

3) Pick one item to work on for this next six-week time frame.  It doesn’t have to be some huge over the top item.  BUT, it does have to be the one that means something to you.  Not to your partner, not to your doctor, but mean something to YOU. When you pick the goal that is YOURS, what will it feel like when you achieve this goal?  If it is to prioritize your sleep, will it feel like more energy, patience, kindness?  If its reading one book non-fiction book each week, will it look like a deeper connection to your partner as you’ve got something really interesting to chat about? 

It doesn’t matter what it is…..what matters is that it is YOURS, and you make it a priority now.

I’d love to hear what you’re working on and how you’re growing!  You can do it!





The 5 Minute Shift


It's coming!!!