‘WYTAYBA’: Some Science Behind Manifesting

Some of you may not know this, but in addition to running a life coaching and fitness business, I also have the awesome opportunity to teach in a Kinesiology degree program in the areas of Group Fitness and Wellness Coaching.

How does this tie into today’s topic? In case you are someone who thinks that this idea of manifesting or ‘The Law of Attraction’ is total nonsense and pretty “woo-hoo”, I invite you to consider that by the end of the Wellness Coaching course, these 4th year science-based Kin students are (mostly) on board with the idea of manifesting, and how we can use this idea to help us obtain the goals we’re after. All thanks to science!

Now the “social-media” idea of manifesting, or the Law of Attraction, is often portrayed as “speak your goal into the universe and it’ll come true within 90 days, with no effort or action”. This, this is nonsense. This type of portrayal is often linked to some kind of program or product being sold. So again, let me say, this is total BS.

Let’s look at that acronym in the title: WYTAYBA. This stands for ‘what you think about you bring about’. Now, still sounds a little woo-hoo, right?

Here is where we look at the science. You’ve experienced this before, I know you have. You bought a new car or a new pair of shoes, and all of a sudden, that car, those shoes, you see them everywhere!

Has everyone in your city started to copy you and buy the same shoes? Nope. They were always there, it’s just that your brain decided they weren’t of interest to you before and didn’t bring that piece of information into your conscious mind.

So, why are you seeing them now? Because the part of your brain that acts as a spam filter has now allowed this information to get through. This part of the brain is called your reticular activating system, or the RAS for short.

The RAS is deep within your brain and acts as a filter between your subconscious and conscious mind. We receive tens of thousands of pieces of information a day, and the RAS helps sort what gets through and what gets ignored. And who or what makes that decision? You! Once you become aware of something (like your awesome new shoes!), your RAS will allow that piece of information through the spam filter. That is why you start seeing your new car or your new shoes everywhere.

So how does all of this help us achieve our goals? When we “speak our goals into the universe” we’ve told our RAS that this is now important to us, and you want information related to it to be allowed through the spam filter. You start noticing opportunities and evidence that you may not have before.

Additionally, using affirmations like “I am a healthy person” or “I am (insert the name of the job you’re after")” in the present tense, to your brain, it is a foregone conclusion that you will take actions in line with what a “healthy person” would. And you’ll start to see evidence that helps reinforce you being a healthy person….all thanks to your RAS.

So, what are you working on? Have you said it out loud, visualized it in specific detail, and created some affirmations?

What are you waiting for? Put your RAS to work!

As always, book a free call here if you’d like to discuss those goals you’re working toward! https://www.deannalangfordcoaching.com/booking

Cheering you on in life and in fitness!



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