Perfectly Frozen
Imagine, walking through a comfortable room. Really, any room will do. Just make it one with which you’re familiar and you can summon some details, as you look around in your mind’s eye. Notice the picture on the wall. What colours are in the picture? Make them more vibrant in your mind. Become aware of the pillows on the couch/bed/chair. What fabric are those? See the curtains that are hanging by the window. What colour are they? Your favourite colour perhaps?
Did the image of this room make you smile, exhale or relax? I’m guessing you’ve chosen a “happy” place. If so, let this image stay with you and feel the comfort of the room wrap around you like a fleece blanket fresh out of the dryer.
Now, continue to keep this image in your mind. But, look a little closer. That picture on the wall? It’s crooked. The cushions? Flattened. The curtains? One is open and the other is closed.
Now what did you do with your “happy” image? Did you straighten the picture, fix the pillow and open the other curtain? Or were you frozen in place by imperfection? And either way, you lost the happy, warm feeling you had?
Can you see any parallels here with your life? When you become aware of a great idea, something that is so exciting, that you can’t wait to share, it’s a little bit like being in that warm, cozy room. Full of joy and ready to roll. But then, you notice the little details, the “what ifs”, the comparisons to others who have been doing what you want to do for years.
The result? Perfectly frozen. Frozen in place by the idea that what you might produce won’t be perfect. And instead of bringing to life something amazing and learning the “how tos” as you go, you remain in place with the ideas stuck in your mind.
Let me ask you, your happy place above-is it really any less happy because of a crooked picture? No. Its still amazing and so are you.
Let me tell you, I totally get it. Stuck in place for so many years because I didn’t know how to run my own business. Well guess what? The things I don’t know yet, I try, sometimes fail and then learn how to do it better next time. If I’m really stuck, I ask my family, friends and coach for help. This past weekend, I edited my first video. I’ve had this video since January and hadn’t yet used it. Why? I was not sure how edit it and I was scared it wouldn’t look as perfect as it did when it arrived. Well, guess what? I did it. Is it perfect? For some, no. For me, yes, because it was my first attempt and I’m happy I’ve learned a new skill.
And, because someone out there might think its not perfect, will the world end? No.
Let’s not judge ourselves for what we’ve done, that is, if you’ve been perfectly frozen for a long time. Instead, how about you grab that warm blanket out of the dryer and wrap it around you by finding your supporters that are going to cheer you on for trying, and for succeeding as you learn and grow.
We’re all a work in progress (and full transparency, I would have absolutely straightened the picture and fixed the cushion and curtain), but its time to get out of your way and share your ideas and gifts with the world.
If you need some support along the way, message me at . If you’re ready to find your squad to support you, ask me about the Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Coaching Program.
Now, thaw out those feet and get moving!