Five Fitness Tips for Fresh Idea Friday Feb 4
>>> 1. Fitness doesn't have to be formal. Sometimes we get so hung up on sets, reps, loads, etc that we can forget that all movement matters. Just get moving. In whatever way you want/can.
>>> 2. Fitness isn't punishment. Fitness is a privilege. The toxic message of having to "earn" your dinner or a treat by exercising is BS. First, we don't have to "earn" anything we eat. We must eat to nourish and fuel our bodies. And remember, the ability to work out or go for a walk isn't something we want to take for granted. It is a privilege and another way to care for your body, and your mind.
>>> 3. Fitness can be fun! Walk with a friend. Throw on a pair of ice skates and hit the neighbourhood rink. Throw a living room dance party. Just get moving. In whatever way you want/can (are you sensing a theme?).
>>> 4. Specific fitness goals do require specific programs. No, I am not contradicting myself. You don't HAVE to have a specific, detailed program, BUT if you have some specific goals (running a 5K, building strength, or you have health conditions) there are dos and don'ts for safety and goal achievement that are needed. So, consult a fitness pro (that has certification AND education in the area you're looking for).
>>> 5. Having a hard time getting motivated? Try something new. A new class, new routine, workout at a different time of day.
And a bonus! >>> 6. Having a hard time staying motivated? Celebrate! That often means you've hit a workout plateau....i.e. you've improved your fitness level and are ready for new challenges (see #5, or add more weight, reps or sets-only pick one of those at a time please!)
Just get moving! In whatever way you want/can!