Physical Wellness, beyond Fitness
Today begins a 6-week blog series on the components of wellness. Like a bicycle wheel with a broken spoke, our “wellness wheel” must have 6 functioning “spokes” to ensure a smooth and resilient ride through life.
What are those “spokes” otherwise known as the 6 components of wellness? Well, if you’ve been here in this community for a while, you’ll know that these include physical, relationship, professional, emotional, spiritual and financial wellness. If we are off-kilter in one area, the other areas will be impacted.
Some of you know me from the fitness space, while others from life coaching and still others from my work with entrepreneurs. And if you’re thinking, “this must be fitness-based information. It surely doesn’t apply to me, the entrepreneur”, I encourage you to re-think that.
Who needs this full spectrum wellness view? EVERYONE. How can we be physically well, if we are not emotionally well? Or, how can one be well within their professional life if they are not well in their spiritual life?
Don’t see it yet? Well, therein lies the purpose of this six-week series: to define what the area of wellness actually includes, give some examples to help people become aware of why this area is so key and finally, include some tips for improving your wellness in each area.
I use this wellness wheel with ALL of my coaching clients in one way or another. From the college students working on their time management skills to the entrepreneur running a very successful business, wellness impacts and improves all of it!
So, to begin, physical wellness is where we kick things off today. Physical wellness is often thought of as fitness-based activities. While these activities ARE included here, this area is so much more. This actually covers all things related to our physical health, nutrition, disease prevention (which would include things such as health screening, any regular blood work that you need to have done, for example).
I would also broaden this to include injury prevention and treatment. What does that mean? If you have a nagging shoulder problem for example, are you checking in with your health care providers? Are you doing to the physio that is recommended?
When was the last time you had a physical? Had your eyes checked? Been to the dentist? Reviewed your nutrition?
These are all things that fit under the physical wellness category, and many are often overlooked and put on the back burner because we feel like we don’t have time. I get that. I’m super busy too. BUT, it takes a lot more time to be sick, than it does to prioritize your physical wellness.
So, how to improve this area?
1) add daily movement to your calendar, full stop.
2) write down a list of all areas you should be checking in on (that’s the doctor, dentist, blood work, etc)
3) prioritize that list from most urgent to least urgent.
4) pick one item per week (or per month depending on the urgency and your schedule) to call your provider about
5) Just do it.
To sum up, with kind intentions, I share the reminder that you are not magically going to have time to do these things, AND no one else is going to do them for you. So, you’ll need to create time to prioritize your physical wellness. Without our health, we have nothing, and you are worth the time it takes to prioritize your physical wellness.
If you need some support in this or any of the areas of wellness, please reach out
Stay well friends,