Life & Wellness Coaching

1 on 1 Coaching

  • Receive 1 on 1 life/wellness coaching with Deanna via a monthly 55 mins call, or 2 monthly 30 mins calls, via phone or Zoom and booked according to your schedule.

    Or consider the JUMP START option. A shorter-term, lower-cost option to help you get moving towards what you’re after.

    *Get on my email list for a MASSIVE discount and weekly resources and info!

  • Support outside of scheduled sessions if needed (details to be determined).

  • Some results experienced when coaching with Deanna:

    > improved time management skills,

    > improved stress management abilities,

    > enhanced organization,

    > improved sleep,

    > enhanced overall well-being,

    > improved exercise adherence,

    > acknowledgment that you are not where you expected to be, along with a pathway to progress

The Calendar Clean Up

From students to seniors, from fitness clients to life coaching clients, what’s the COMMON STRUGGLE I see?

There never seems to be enough time. To do what you ACTUALLY want, to make time for your health, to make time for YOU, to live in peace rather than constant chaos

What a professional organizer does for your home, I do for your calendar, helping you make time for what really matters.

And what I REALLY do through this process? Help you:

> Let go of what's living on your calendar that shouldn't be,
> Tap into the seasonality of time management as well as help you recognize your capacity and energy boundaries,
> Create a streamlined schedule, using a repeatable process,
> Make room for what YOU actually want to be doing,
> Create a sense of calm by moving away from a reactive state to a proactive approach,
> Discover that you may be stuffing your calendar full to avoid other important issues,
> Discover that lack of time is often used to cover a fear of going after what we really want.

2023, Voted Platinum (2nd),

Life Coach Category

2022, Voted Platinum (2nd),

Life Coach Category

What are people saying about coaching with Deanna?

“If you’re looking for someone to help you figure out what you want and how to get it, Deanna is the one! She brings her smile, enthusiasm, positive energy, and knowledge to each and every session. Deanna challenged my thinking many times, sometimes we create our own roadblocks that we are unaware of.” 

-Julie G.

“I’ve so appreciated everything you’ve been able to help me with thus far and I wouldn’t be in this current moment of peace without your guidance”

-Laura Olsen

“Deanna’s input and resources have given me the tools to effectively improve my home and work life in a more organized fashion.”

-Anne Marie, workshop participant