How to Create the Clarity you are Longing for

Uncertainty. The word that has been at the forefront of our minds these last years, right?

As humans, we long for safety, stability, and certainty, don’t we?

But, life is uncertain. And if you are looking for a change in your life, whether that be with your wellness, a relationship, or your career, you must move into a state of uncertainty, at least temporarily, right?

First, how to deal with that uncertainty, and then second, how to move OUT of uncertainty, towards clarity.


> Acknowledge that two opposite things can be and often are true at once and that this is an uncomfortable feeling. Seems simple I know, but the simple act of acknowledging where you are can be really helpful.

> Take ownership of what you can. Ask yourself if there are any components of the situation you can control or change.

> Create pockets of certainty in your day. THIS is one of the reasons that routine is so important. If, from 9 am-5 pm, your day is reactive to crises, etc, that is likely to shift you into fight-flight mode. This is not a healthy place to stay. So, how can you start and end your day with certainty to get yourself out of fight-flight and into rest and recovery? Morning and evening routines are key, even if only for a few minutes.

HOW TO CREATE CLARITY: (two possible scenarios are present here):

> Situation 1: “I don’t know what I want or what to do next.” Suggestion: get out of the granular and zoom out, to see a bigger picture. Instead of asking what do I want to DO, ask yourself how you want to FEEL.

And/or, let yourself dream and your mind wander. And maybe revisit goals you use to think about. What did you want to do as a kid, or a teen, or before a certain stage of life? Do any of those things look interesting? And remember, these things might not be what you want to do as your career. Maybe your passion is different than your work, or maybe not.

Let yourself dream.

> Situation 2: “I know what I want, but I don’t know how to get there.” Suggestion: Brainstorm all of the ways you can think of. Then, step back and look at all of those ideas. Do any jump out as a possibility? Or, play each suggestion out. That is, if you choose that path, what would it look like? Play it out and see where it gets you. This will help you narrow down the options.

Another suggestion: who has done this before? Who can you ask in your life? Or, who is someone you can study to learn some of their steps? Maybe that person has appeared on a podcast or they’ve written a book you can read. You are not the first person to deal with this challenge. The answers are out there. You’ve got to discover some possibilities, decide what seems right for you, and then put one of these options into ACTION!

Speaking of action, what are your thoughts on the above? What is a step you can take in the next 24-48 hours to start you moving in the direction you want?

And remember, if you’re looking for more coaching support, please join me Wednesdays, for Lunch with a Life Coach, at 12 pm est for some free, informal life coaching, OR make a commitment to yourself and join my group coaching program that meets twice per month, supporting each other to get things done! (founders pricing ends Aug 31). September’s topics are time management and creating clarity in our goals for the rest of 2023.

Learn more about all coaching options:

Let’s go!





Fall Fitness