HELP! I don’t even know where to start with my wellness

If you’re feeling burnt out and exhausted, knowing something with your health and wellness MUST change, BUT you don’t even know where to start, don’t worry….I’ve got you!

Here are 4 questions I want you to write out and then brainstorm as many thoughts and responses as you can. Once you’ve done that, step back and look at what you’ve poured onto the paper. You’ll be surprised at the possibilities you begin to come up with.

Ask yourself, out loud:

1) What do I have time for right now? (And if your answer is “nothing”, please reconsider. Find a small window of opportunity. Remember if nothing at all changes, then nothing changes.)

2) What do I want for my health and wellness? (This could be more energy, better sleep, more patience, or less pain to suggest a few).

3) What am I WILLING to make time for, and how can I do that?

**Here is where you’ll need to negotiate with yourself. If the answer to #1 is that you have 5 mins a day, and then the answer to #2 is that you want to completely overhaul all dimensions of wellness, and finally your answer to #3 is that you’re willing to make 10 mins a day, you can see the divide, right?

This is where negotiation comes in. Either you’ve got to change the time and energy you’re going to dedicate to the goal, or you’ve got to change the goal itself.

There is no right or wrong here, just take the time to put the pieces together to find the right fit for your current situation.

Finally, once you’ve worked through numbers 1-3 above and done some negotiating, you’re ready to begin. Work your way through this next question with the same brainstorming approach:

4) Consider all dimensions of wellness listed below, and choose 1 to begin with. There are a few ways to approach which one to choose, but here is the final question to ask yourself when deciding where to begin: “Which dimension when improved, will have the biggest impact on the others?” Look for one that is going to have a trickle-down effect to make the most of your efforts.

Here are the dimensions: emotional, physical, relationship, intellectual, spiritual, financial, caregiver, professional or social. (If you need more info on what is included in these, here is a previous blog post with that info: )

And finally, remember that whichever dimension you choose to start with, it isn’t written in stone. Choose a time frame, of 1 month to work on that dimension with honest efforts, and then reassess, and decide if that is still the right one to choose, or whether it is time for a shift or a progression.

Reach out if you need any help,, and consider joining me for my free weekly “Lunch with a Life Coach” starting August 16th at 12 pm on Zoom. (more information and registration here: )

Cheering you on!



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